
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Versatile Blogger Award!

versitle-blogger bw
About two weeks ago I was nominated for the versatile blogger award by HelloDarling at HelloDarlingxoxo. And I really wanna thank her for nominating me since I just started blogging like a month ago. It would be really nice if you check out her blog.

"The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you by your blogger peers, for writing
 quality posts that have somehow touched them, having good quality 
photographs, and the uniqueness of the subjects covered. 
The award is to honour the bloggers who bring something special to your life."

The rules of the Versatile Blogger Award are:

  • Display the award certificate.
  • Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Present 13 deserving bloggers with the award.
  • Link you nominees in this post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
  • Post 7 interesting things about yourself

7 interesting things about me!

  1.  I don't like both tea or coffee
  2.  I'm addicted to salt and vinegar flavoured crisps
  3.  I love playing football but I don't like watching it
  4.  From all pets I love dogs
  5.  I love summer but I'm allergic to the sun :) I get some skin irritations and I always have to wear sun creams on summer
  6.  I enjoy watching tech shows
  7.  I'm really good at fixing things

I really wish i could nominate a lot of bloggers since there are hundreds of amazing bloggers but well
I nominate,

  1.  Rachel Coco
  2.  Trend-Mae
  3.  Heart & Sole
  4.  Princess Candy Floss
  5.  Berry Stylish
  6.  My beautysleuth
  7.  Kitt Noir
  8.  Chiconomical
  9.  Ambi Fashion
  10.  Natalie Yasmin
  11.  For Vanity's Sake
  12.  Lurch Hound Loves
  13. Trends are overrated

Saturday 11 January 2014

My New Hair Saviour

I really am into hair products as I try every product that I find to protect my hair from damage. I find some products helpful but there are few products that don't help at all! Last week I went to boots and saw the Herbal essences beautiful ends protection cream. I have split end problems so I decided to give it a try and I purchased it for £2.39 which was reduced from £4.79. I have been using it till this day and I'll tell you this, it is amazing!!! Not only it helped the roots of my hair, it improved my hair texture as well. After I wash my hair, I just put some on and it works like magic. I'd also like to mention that it has this raspberry flavour smell which is my favourite and it lasts for like a whole day. I have to go and get more now.

Have any of you ladies tried this product?

Wednesday 8 January 2014

My new nail polishes

I don't spend a lot of money on nail polishes, but I saw these pretty colors in boots and I couldn't leave without getting them. I'm not really good at painting my nails. I try my best to not mess up but I end up with paints all over my hands and I just don't have the patience for something so delicate.  My friends were usually the ones who paint my nails but now I'm getting a lot better. Having said this, I've been a fan of darker nail polishes so instead I decided to go for brighter colors. From boots, I got 3 different color BarryM nail polishes; pink, purple and blue for 2.99£ each.You have to put on two coats to get the exact color. I also had to get one of the new Rimmel London polishes. So I went for the dark purple glittery polish which was only 3.69£ in boots. This color is perfect for a night out. I just put one coat on and it spreads out well.  I also found a pink Sally Hansen polish a for 6.99£ in boots  as I just couldn't pass it. It was definitely pricey but I really like their colours. 


                       Rimmel London

                                     Sally Hansen

 I was really amazed about my last purchase. I got a burgundy Sally Hansen  nail polish from "pound world" for a pound! I wasn't expecting to find such kind of nail polish there. It looks a bit fake though after all, when I paint it,  it didn't have that Sally Hansen quality. But it's not that bad for a pound Sally Hansen polish.
                                     Sally Hansen                                                        

Monday 6 January 2014

Few of my favourite presents

 It's probably late to mention my presents now but why not?! My birthday was also a few days after Christmas so it was really exciting. The first thing I liked is a gorgeous jewellery I got which has a heart shaped stones. It contains earrings and a necklace.

I also really liked the body shop kit(bath kit) I got which smells amazing and it contains: 
  • Shea soap
  • Shea sugar body scrub
  • Body butter
  • Shea shower cream
  • Bath lily

I also got this cute and fluffy white Onsie with pink spots on it.

I wish I could write about all of my presents but I don't have much time and I'm also thankful for everyone who got me the presents.

What were your favourite presents so far?